The James Exchange
The JRC Podcasters' Third Episode

The JRC Podcasters' Third Episode

In today's episode, the Podcasters talk to Judy Brown. Mrs. Brown was a mover and shaker in the movement to get a Boys & Girls Club in Scottsville.

Welcome to the KLCK+J, a podcast from the James River Boys & Girls Club in Scottsville. Today your host is Luis, and he is with his fellow podcasters Kaiden and Christian.

This is the third and final episode in this series. The goal of the podcasters was to introduce the James River Club, and to promote and invite everyone to the Tenth Year Anniversary.

Several Scottsville businesses donated to the silent auction which will end at the close of the celebration on Friday. Check out the items, and start bidding. All proceeds will benefit the James River Club.

The Silent Auction Link

Enjoy the show, and come out to support and celebrate the success of the James River Club!

Discussion about this podcast

The James Exchange
A podcast for kids by kids from the James River Boys and Girls Club in Scottsville, Virginia,
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Nancy Gill