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The James River--sometimes called "America's Founding River"--built the Town of Scottsville, Virginia through trade on the Kanawa Canal. Scottsville has historically been the "hub" of Northern Buckingham, Western Fluvanna, Southern Albemarle, and parts of Nelson Counties, and this is the area THE JAMES EXCHANGE serves.

THE JAMES EXCHANGE started in June 2021 by former Scottsville Mayor Nancy Gill. The future of Scottsville is important to her, and bringing issues to light through having conversations with area residents has become a major part of THE JAMES EXCHANGE podcasts.

The overall goal of this podcast is to have a platform to exchange ideas, issues, stories through conversation.

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THE JAMES EXCHANGE covers people, events and issues in the Greater Scottsville Area.


After stepping down from local government--2006-10 and 2012-16 on Scottsville Town Council and 2016-2020 as the Mayor, I decided to put my institutional knowledge to use through this podcast.