Welcome to the James Exchange. Yesterday, Sunday February 16, Liz took a drive over to Totier Creek reservoir to check out the action. The water was raging!
The James River yesterday at 19’:
Today I went down by the boat landing. The river was at 21.62 feet at 10:00.
For those who don’t know how the river levels are measured, there is a pipe that goes from the concrete structure to the river. Data is sent to NOAA via the internet.
You can search for almost all water level information throughout the United States.
Thank you for joining Liz and me on our water journeys over the past few days. And, as always if you have a song, a story, an event or an issue you would like to discuss, perhaps it is time for a conversation!
Signing off for today, this has been the James Exchange and I am Nancy Gill your host.
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