Welcome to The James Exchange: Friday Forward July 9, 2021. I am Nancy Gill, the host of The James Exchange.
From the Chamber’s Scottsville Happenings:
Saturday, July 10 around dusk, there will be a free movie showing outside Victory Hall. Bring a chair and enjoy a carryout picnic from one of our local restaurants. The movie is family-friendly, but I don’t know which one.
Outdoor dance fusion fitness class every Wednesday, at the farmers pavilion 6:30 pm. The cost is $15. Kids are welcome. For more details contact Miranda Watson Mirandajw@gmail.com.
In today’s episode, I met with Roger Nelson and Brian Coffield both are instrumental in the James River Batteau Festival and the Virginia Canals and Navigation Society. Brian is the current president. We decided that one of our local businesses would be a great place to sit down and have a conversation. So, there is a bit of background noise caused by people enjoying themselves. And, this episode is longer than I usually present, but there is much information to glean. Both Roger and Brian were extremely energetic in correcting my misinformation on the history of the Batteaux that built our town.
The Monday Matters, the next episode of The James Exchange comes out on Monday. There will be a listing of public meetings and a report on Scottsville Town Council’s June 21st public meeting.
Enjoy the weekend, come watch a movie, visit the farmers’ market and shop locally!
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