Welcome to the James Exchange: Monday Matters 8.16.2021. I am your host, Nancy Gill.
In today’s episode, you will meet Caitlin and Cody Walls. I spoke with them on Sunday. We talked about what brought them to Scottsville and also the coal mines in Western Virginia.
Before we get to the Walls, this evening the Town Council meets at 7:00, I believe in Council Chambers. Topics include Emergency Declarations on severe weather, Delta variant, and Continuity of Government. Discussion continues on the VDOT sidewalk grant; and whether to apply for grants for floodplain mapping. You will hear more about their decisions in a later podcast.
Don’t forget to come to Canal Basin Square on Tuesday, August 17 at 7:00 for a concert with the Charlottesville Band. Should it be raining, the band will reschedule later in the month. You can get updates and coming events on the Town’s event website page.
Today is a momentous occasion in our ‘fair ville’ – the DMV Select office opens. I hope to introduce you to LaToya Hamlet in a future podcast. She is the manager of our local DMV Select office.
I hope you enjoy getting to know the Walls.
(Conversation with the Walls)
We will be hearing more from the Walls in later episodes. What we didn’t discuss was Cody’s work with autistic students, and we will expand on their homesteading activities. Friday Forward’s podcast will be on an event held at James River Brewery back in June. I hope everyone has a terrific week.
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