To recap, The James Exchange reached out to all known candidates in the 2022 Town of Scottsville election. They are: Austyn Bessette, Dan Gritsko, Meredith Hynes, Bill Hyson, and Stuart Munson. All were given the following five questions in advance of any recording session:
What is driving you to be on town council?
Are you a team player, or do you see yourself as a "lone wolf”?
What are you willing to do to ensure the town is welcoming to newcomers and visitors while being respectful of our business owners?
Do you think we should have a conversation about business owners in the town but do not reside here, have voting rights? (Of course, we know State Code and Dillion's Rule restrict this, but think outside the box).
Where do you see the town in 20 years?
Good luck on Tuesday to all candidates running on ballot or write-in.
As always, if you have a story, a song, an issue, or just want to have a conversation, contact me.
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