Welcome to The James Exchange: Friday Forward August 6, 2021. I am your host Nancy Gill. In today’s episode, I spoke with Betsy Payton about WellAware, a community health initiative with UVa, Central Virginia Health Services, and the Charlottesville Free Clinic.
The Scottsville Farmers’ Market is Saturday from 9:00 am to 1:00.
WellAware Ice Cream Social and Kick-off Event is Sunday, August 8 from 4:00 pm to 6:00.
Scottsville Town Council meets on Monday for their monthly work session starting at 7:00.
Topics and excerpts are:
· Emergency Declarations for July Severe Weather and Renewed Covid Emergency
o There is now substantial spread of covid in almost every count of Virginia, including the Charlottesville region and around Scottsville. The CDC therefore advises face coverings indoors, for everyone…An important decision for the Town of Scottsville is whether to declare a new local emergency and return to remote meetings.
o Severe Thunderstorm Emergency need for a Declaration of Local Emergency.
· Factory redevelopment progress: floodplain mapping
o The Town’s Comprehensive Plan, and the West Downtown Small Area Plan, call for action to improve the readiness of the tire factory site by solving an old problem: an error in the floodplain map. The factory had a levee built in the 1980s, at the same time as the downtown levee. But while the Town amended the floodplain map to account for the levee’s protection and remove the area inside from the FEMA floodplain, the factory owners never did the same.”
o Without benefitting any developer directly, these applications would improve the shovel-readiness and value of the tire plant, by removing the liability of the floodplain status.
o Action: Directive on DCR and VHDA grant applications. No budget impact except staff time.
· Economic Development Planning: Center on Rural Innovation
o CORI is a consulting and investment group focused on tech entrepreneurship in rural communities. They aim to improve the share of tech jobs in rural areas. This partnership and strategy is something the Town could explore. Action: Guidance to staff and Planning Commission
· Itinerant business licenses
o Council and staff have lately heard several complaints from itinerant business owners, especially food trucks, about the very high rates for their business licenses. The Town has licensed several firms at the rate of $50 for a week, but we have only ever issued a $500 annual peddler’s license for the old flea market at Irish Road. This tax law is old and appears designed to deter travelling business while protecting brick-and-mortar. This is a legal and legitimate goal, but it may not be the intent of the current Town Council.
· VDOT sidewalk project scope and contract
o In 2020, VDOT awarded the Town a $320,000 grant with an $80,000 match requirement. The Town delayed the start of the work during the pandemic and considered the overall value of the project. The Town has also adopted a small area plan and approved rezoning likely to increase population. During the public hearings, existing residents were concerned about traffic impacts and pedestrian safety. Sidewalk and crosswalk improvements could be helpful. (Note: The Town will be responsible for costs overruns).
· DMV Select progress
o This project has several parts to be completed before the launch on August 16th and grand opening ceremony on the 24th. The Government Services Committee is extremely helpful, as are DMV staff.
o Ms. LaToya Hamlett serves as DMV Supervisor. The DMV Clerks are Ms. Ebony Hubbard, Ms. Tamara Williams, and Ms. Telyjah Jackson. This team brings DMV work experience, local knowledge and IT skills, and a generous commitment to public service
o Tocci Mid-Atlantic has almost completed their work. Purchasing furniture, hardware, and computers is complete.
Today’s guest is Betsy Peyton. Please listen to our conversation to learn more about WellAware and community health workers.
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.
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